Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday?

Thanks daddy,,,

I think it is one of the very very few moment that he actually called up and wish me a Happy Birthday. But guess what, not even I myself know its my birthday....Chinese calender...such complex system.

Wouldn't say its a very nice day today...

Woke up ay 7:10am...n in 20 minute i got dressed, cleaned my face and brushed my teeth, pack my lunch n uni stuff, did my make up...yeah i am that quick...=P n then ran to the bus stop, as usual, with heels.

Meeting from 9am-9:30am...studied in the library...sort out some club issues...library workshop at 11am to noon...lunch n then 4 hours lectures straight. Plus bits n pieces happened...Just dont; think I handled everything that well today. Kinda exhausted and depressed by the time I got home. What a birthday. and my coffee made me feel weird.
I am so behind....and there is a test coming up....2 tests...
ok i am not turning apple into orange....

just let me catch my breathe....
But M@P BBQ yesterday was good =]
Good effort everyone! and Thanks for helping out!
Rehearsal next wednesday!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"Marry Me?"

On tram 109 today, that's what I saw when I looked out of the window.

Up the clear blue sky, it was written " marry me?"

This is one of the sweetest ( and one of the most expensive I'd say ) proposal I've ever seen!

Candle light dinner, flowers, then ring...thats like the most classical proposal in history! C'on guys! Need to be more creative!Its not that I am saying all guys should proposal up the sky, spending a fortune etc.. Material wealth doesn't come first, it never does...but try make that one of the most unforgetable and sweetest moment in you and your partner's life! make it special and unique...and as long as it comes from the heart, thats whats the most important.

I wonder if he's made it? I was talking to my friend and we were saying, the engagment ring must be huge...OR maybe he's spent all his money getting his proposal up the more ring =P

But either way, I still think she is a lucky girl. Having someone who is telling the whole world how much he loves her. I wish them both all the best!

and of course, congratulations!

Friday tomorrow!! yeah! and today's Commuication tutorial was SO FUN...I had to act as an non-engish-speaking-girl who has low BP and is about to faint and has no idea what my medication is...."You...chinese? speak..english"....can;t wait till the next tute! LOL

P.S.: I still think I am the luckiest girl...=]

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wisdom teeth?

I've always said I am not smart enough to have wisdom teeth!
Now I would say I am not smart enough for the teeth to grow painlessly and normally...

My tooth is hurting...or maybe its my gum...I can't tell anymore =S

Yeah and I skipped my last lecture...way too cold in the lecture hall and there's no way I could stand it!

Can't they just fix the stupid air con?
Basically when it is hot outside it would be bloody freezing in the lecture...
When it is icy cold outside then it would be a boiling inside the hall...
Too extreme!

Gota catch up on the Protein lecture that I missed tonight!
So sleepy already~!
Plus I never seem to understand anything about the protein lectures...

I want my weekend!
Seems like it is the only thing I am looking forward to!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Sunshine after the rain

I have to admit I am someone who thinks a lot...*in a bad way*

..and finally when I couln't take all little annoying 'troubles' around me...
they piled up...and eventually...It was suffocating.

I re-read my personal diary, and started to realised it was simply me, myself, who is worrying too much. Everything wasnt as bad as I had thought; and yes I over-reacted in everything.

I had always tried to be that best daughter in the family, that best student in class...tried to be the best. Was it the expectation from others? or from myself? I didn;t know.

I realise what they want me to be, and who i really just, a different person.

I am sorry , mum and dad; I am still that very stubborn daughter with bad temper who cries all the time. I've tried to be that traditional-chinese-good-manner-lady-ladish-daughter you guys wanted me to be; yet i couldn't help jumping around like an idiot or crying my head off sometimes....well, most of the time. But that is who I really am.
I am sorry, sis; I am still learning how to be a good elder sister who knows the best for you and talks to you in an non-aggresive manner. But I am learning, to be patient and caring; just give me some more time.
I am sorry, teachers; I am not your top student who you had always thought i am. But I always give my best shot and I never regret for no studying harder.
I am sorry, aunt and uncle; I know you guys worry about me especially when I am home late...I really tried and I am stll trying very hard not to cause any worries and troubles. But sometimes I just want a little getaway. I believe I am old enough to know what I am doing.

It is time for me to make some decisions for myself now.
I don't want to be the best,
but myself.
I am not perfect, i am not the top.
So, just get over it.

What do I have now?
-I have my family who are still willing to support me and my study.
-I am in Pharmacy...even though it is such a tough course...I realise a part of me is really enjoying it. Working with costomers and patients...youngs and olds...It is just such a big reward when they say "Oh hey! you're working today! how are you? Thanks so much for your help... hope you have a nice day too...see you next time!...take care...", with that genuine smile. And that old man coming in on Sunday...saying "young lady you have a beautiful smile"...He, and all of them, really brighten up my days, even when it is a depressing day for me deep down.
-I have my club...still can't believe it all started with just a joke...but from handing in the applications in starting a new our first meeting...first rehearsals...first now 2009, everyone is working so hard and are so committed. I am so proud, of everyone and so thankful, that M@P had really taken off beautifully.
-I have my good girlfriends whom i've met since high school...and uni...and even work...that are always willing to hang out with me, muck around about hot and cute guys... relationships... importantly, they are caring and always happy to give me this super mega warm hug whenever I need.
-I have my cool guy-buddies who always try their best to cheer me up when I am down, even when I normally spend most of my time mucking around, teasing them and being evil....those who laid their trust on me and share their problems with me...I really appreciate it.
-And of course, I have a stable and sweet relationship which I have no reason to have doubts in. A person who i can always turn to...who is always here for me...who really cares for me and know how to guide me back on track. Our memories had been beautiful, and I am sure there are lot more to come. He is everything I've ever wanted. And I should stop worrying and having so much doubt on myself which had been driving me nuts. Back to basics. Faith.

My life is not perfect, nor me.
But think about it, I have eveything I've ever dreamt of. My course, my career, my friends and my relationship.
Why would I ask for more?
I am content.

It had always been me, and myself...
Problems that I can only solve by myself.
Time to really step out of my own circle and think from the outside.
Clear my mind...and save some space for something more practical, instead of spending my time stressing, worrying and over-thinking...

Serotonin reuptake inhibitos are definitely not something I need now.
If it was two days ago, I would be so desperated for it.
But...I've found my own happiness, I've always have it...
I have the person I need.
I have everything I need in my life.
And I am thankful, very thankful indeed.

There are so much more to learn in life...
let me take one step at a time.

"When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,
show life you have a thousand reaons to smile"

Friday, March 13, 2009

'Get to know yourself better'

Here's some interesting results from a 'personalities test'

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.


Kinda true but ...thats is not what i am most afraid of....

Yeh Friday !! =]

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I think lost

Stuffing runny nose...
Still on Pseudoephedrine + Chlorpheniramine...
Still causing drowiness...

Still can't focus in lecture...
I have no idea what they are on about...
catching up catching up...
the only thing that i am glad is,,,
there's something called "Lectopia"

Don't want to talk about food...
I hate diet, I could never be on a diet...
but now it just comes naturally -.-"

I really should have visited the dentist when I was back in china...
another reason why I don;t seem to be attracted to food.

They are out there fighting about the phone bill again...

I want to get away from all these...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Study VS Beach

2nd week of uni...
I've had enough...
Trying to catch up on lectures,
but they just make me sleepy and tired...

Loss of appetite for i-duno-how-many-days,
Cold for 3 days...
Current medications include: Paracetamol, Chlorpheniramine, Pseudoephedrine ( alternatively Phenylephrine)
Common Side effects experiencing: Chlorpheniramine(sedating antihistamine)-drowiness *yawn*

Maybe they should have an ancillary label number 1b: This medicine may cause drowsiness and may increase boredom in lectures. If affected, do not study or think; just sleep your head off.

I want my weekend ...

Stuff yet to be done:
1>catch up on i-duno-wt-it-is-all-about lecture PAC 2171...Say hello to GPCR and cAMP...RTKs and Ras....
2>catch up on M@P bbq
3>catch up on i-duno-what lectures
4>iron my shirt if i remember..or maybe i will iron it when i want to wear it...
5>Get a 250GB harddrive that can plug diretly into my brain so i don't need to worry about memorising things =S
6>fix myself if i remember

Went to St kilda with my vcp girls today!
Finally could get away from study for a while...
Summer is gone already right?
So no more tanning for me!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New start...or back to routine?

It has been a while since I last updated my blog.

Holiday had been okok...back to parents, went to Europe for trip...I had been longing to come back to Melbourne...and here i am, with 2nd year Pharmacy started...

First day of uni, 830am was too tiring...

Everything seems to be...slightly different...
Wasn't a really great feeling,
so not used to it...

From holiday back to uni...
From sleeping in everyday to waking up at 6am...
From spending time mucking around and not worrying about work, to now with all these work staring to stack up....

I miss holiday...every bits and pieces of it....

I am not ready for it yet,
if..and only if...i have more time...