Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Study VS Beach

2nd week of uni...
I've had enough...
Trying to catch up on lectures,
but they just make me sleepy and tired...

Loss of appetite for i-duno-how-many-days,
Cold for 3 days...
Current medications include: Paracetamol, Chlorpheniramine, Pseudoephedrine ( alternatively Phenylephrine)
Common Side effects experiencing: Chlorpheniramine(sedating antihistamine)-drowiness *yawn*

Maybe they should have an ancillary label number 1b: This medicine may cause drowsiness and may increase boredom in lectures. If affected, do not study or think; just sleep your head off.

I want my weekend ...

Stuff yet to be done:
1>catch up on i-duno-wt-it-is-all-about lecture PAC 2171...Say hello to GPCR and cAMP...RTKs and Ras....
2>catch up on M@P bbq
3>catch up on i-duno-what lectures
4>iron my shirt if i remember..or maybe i will iron it when i want to wear it...
5>Get a 250GB harddrive that can plug diretly into my brain so i don't need to worry about memorising things =S
6>fix myself if i remember

Went to St kilda with my vcp girls today!
Finally could get away from study for a while...
Summer is gone already right?
So no more tanning for me!

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