Saturday, April 18, 2009

Great Ocean Road

Easter Break i now coming to an end...I have no idea what I;ve done so far~! seriously! lol...not productive at all! But the hightlight of it would definitely be my first day trip EVER!!! ( since I came to Melbourne...)

We left home at 8ish on Thursday and reached Geelong at 9:30am...not too bad! That was quicker than we expected. TO be honest, I didn't really had a clue of where we were heading exactly...I thought we were going to take the ferry and then drive back from mornington...oh well~ sometimes you dont; have to be fully planned to have fun =] Afetr visiting the information center there, we decided to drive onto the Great Ocean Road...[look at photos from above] ..Long day and it was a 600km drive in a day...Thanks mel! for giving us direction to the gas station in Geelong!! Was a great day out!

Oh...please let me enjoy my last day of holiday...or maybe I shall do something more productive!!! like...catching on some of my lectures...-.-"

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Saturday

Oh dear! I swear, if it is so busy everytime i work...I would break down very soon.

Pharmacy was closed yesterday, maybe that explained why it was EXTRA SUPA MEGA busy today...Overtimed for 25 minutes too...and no i don't get paid for it =S

Duno if it is the flu going around in aunt's house or just coz i was totally worn out today...I am starting to get sick now...again =S how annoying this is...and no, i am absolutely NON-ADHERENCE to my medicines. I take them when I remember, I take them when I feel like it...don't remind me what course I am doing, coz that doesn;t help ME at all.

Another failure on the attempting to make a chocolate mousse cake.
That's how terrible I am at cooking...and baking =[


Oh well, I've alwasy know I am not born for cooking...

I;ve dne absolutely NOTHING so far in my easter holiday...

Work, Work, and work,,,
today 7 hours...
tomorrow 4 hours,
monday another 7 hours...

not that I am complaining...(maybe I am, just a little bit)
...its true that I should be happy having a job...

but sometimes I want my break too...

Oh well, its holiday...
be happy, don't worry!

Japanese dinner tomorrow!! can't wait!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Busy week ahead!

Last week before Easter holiday!!

Aiks, stupid Biochemistry test...I don't even know what I've learnt so far, how am I going to pass it -.-"....then there is this lame essay to hand in for Communication tutorial...that i am done=]...n then is Cell function-Immuno tech prac report...I shall start it after my test.

Gees, 2nd year is not easy.
I am running out of time for everything =[
Ohh, after 9 days, my plant finally grow! I can't help but keep poking it! so cute =3...Lets hope I won't kill it...I have to admit I am very bad at taking care of 'living things'...

And yesterday me and Andi went to IKEA, it was a stupidly stupid day with pouring rain and thunder...we were shivering an crying...and no sbout by the time i got home I was ALL WET..from top to bottom.
BUT...look what I've got!! =] Now, after years...(yeah i am serious)...I have something to hang my crystal bracelets instead of throwing them in a glass bowl! Yeah, I have a lot...started to wear some of them since 8 years ago...and everytime I went into a crystal shop, I ended up getting another I realised most of them are not in such good quality =[ cheap ones la...NOW! start to focus on QUALITY, not QUANTITY anymore! ( thats why I just spend heaps on another new Clear Quartz afer i scratched my tiny old one 5 years ago)..i need to get myself a dark one like smoky quartz or Black Agate..hmmm,,,I can;t help it >.<>