Saturday, April 18, 2009

Great Ocean Road

Easter Break i now coming to an end...I have no idea what I;ve done so far~! seriously! lol...not productive at all! But the hightlight of it would definitely be my first day trip EVER!!! ( since I came to Melbourne...)

We left home at 8ish on Thursday and reached Geelong at 9:30am...not too bad! That was quicker than we expected. TO be honest, I didn't really had a clue of where we were heading exactly...I thought we were going to take the ferry and then drive back from mornington...oh well~ sometimes you dont; have to be fully planned to have fun =] Afetr visiting the information center there, we decided to drive onto the Great Ocean Road...[look at photos from above] ..Long day and it was a 600km drive in a day...Thanks mel! for giving us direction to the gas station in Geelong!! Was a great day out!

Oh...please let me enjoy my last day of holiday...or maybe I shall do something more productive!!! like...catching on some of my lectures...-.-"

1 comment:

Jian said...

Lol luisa noooo dont study! =P hahahhahaa how've you been?? I think everyone's been unproductive during the break. But u noe what, the other day i was in the library, I saw two 2nd year students there finishing up their assignment on Pharmville XD lol now Im wondering how come i havent started with it yet =/