Thursday, November 27, 2008

Nothing productive...

OMG....I realised I've done NOTHING on the list that I put up a few days ago..

1) I haven' t send the information regarding next year to my MAP friends. Yeh i decide to do them in early January before I go back....
2) "Nobody", i've looked at it a few times....(how are you girls going Miao miao n andi?)....its...hard...=S
3) Still havent; find any songs to perform for MAP....will work on it next month!
4) "Kiss The Rain", I am not in any mood to practise piano ...yet....I have a month for this song until 12th Jan...if I start in mid December.

erm....I am so lazy =[

Oh went to watch Australia today!
Its a beautiful story=] and I enjoyed it...!!

Tomorrow...gona stay at home then go for work from 5-9pm from 10-3pm...stay at home...try to sort out some stuff. Hopefully can put an end to it.
Sunday...home! hmm...maybe go out with aunt if she's not too tired? seems that I haven't been spending time with her for ages. If she doesnt want then..i will go shopping myself =] Got a ots of stuff of stuff to get...
Gona be a la-la-la weekend!

TO Bev, smile =]
TO Hannah, enjoy HK ...=]

omg omg omg...results are coming out tomorrow mid-day....*faint*

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