Monday, November 3, 2008

aja FIGHT!

ok....maybe I should start my physiology today..
it seems that there are just SO much stuf than i duno =S oh no T^T
Stress? nah..i am least not yet.....

Respiratory phyiology! lets start from the beginning... *yawn*..oh no, my neck still hurts!?! arGH...and i still want to sleep......zzZZZ intenet died yesterday for the whole day....from 12:30am yesterday till just i had to wake up early to call my internet provider...omg..a night without facebook, cruncyroll and msn was...CRAP!!! so i did other stuff out my movies in my harddrive and watch them AGAIN =S

Its raining today! hm...the smell of rain...but other than being a bit tired and sleepy, with a sore actually feel....very....content =]

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