Friday, October 31, 2008

HAPPY hello-win!

YEAH! 3 exams done....!! one more to go and I will be finished. So far I thin I passed all, but its the matter of whether I can get above the level to maintain my scholarship =S anyway! the last one is on 10th nov, so basically I will have 10 days to muck around...

my plan is....
Tomorrow, work in pharmacy...
Cupday, work in pharmacy...
Coming Friday, work in pharmacy...
Next Saturday, Pharacy training in main office...
Next Sunday, worki in pharmacy....
The rest: sleep, eat, get distracted as usual...

Tonight i will relax...then maybe I will start doin some reading after work tomorrow if I am good...or maybe I will start on Monday (Luisa's procrastinating syndrome ...again!)

Today had been a gloomy day, but it is Halloween! (omg...these bunch of kids are outside my house...)...and what makes me more happy is that exams are endin, and finally I can rest a bit. Waking up at 5am today totally stuffed my head up...especially after I had that cup of coffee from Hungry JAck, my heart was racing madly even I wasn't panicking for exam=S bad enough to start a day in such way...

Oh! the amount of lollies and chocolate I have now is enough to get me to the dentist soon....but... =]