Thursday, October 16, 2008

A sunnie day

I can;t believe I am still so energetic after sleeping at 2am everynight! Insomnia seems to be improving a lot ever since I started to sleep late.

Today was really a nice I am still procrastinating, I decided to go to the new shopping center near my house--> "Westfield"....I think this was my first time being there after all stores (nearly all) opened again...Its pretty! Last time I went there was with my high school girlfds, an the only thing I remember was the food court.

Sadly I have to admit it IS smaller than Chadstone, i was execting too much from it I think. Regardless of its size, I still got lost like usual. So basically it was my shopping day! I even got some groceries ( salad veggie...yeh..i want to be healthy!..and of course some SHAPES la <3>
Come and visit me ppl! I will take u there and we can do shopping LOL...but before that, let me work more first la...$_$

Took me only an hour or so to bump around and I went home....NO, if you want to ask if I 'd studied after i didnt!...I was playing with my ipod for so long...even tho there's NOTHING to play in it....maybe thats another excuse for me not to open any books >.<
Oh no Iam so dead for exam this time seriously, never been so slack....

And now I m too tired to study... time!

P.S.: To those dearest friends who had been staning by and being there for me, those who truly care for me; you know who you are, thanks a lot =] I am very glad I got to know all of you.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

me wanna go shopping toooo!