One staff called up in the morning and said he couldn't make it to work coz he had a sore leg, that seemed to be the first news other staffs told me when I arrive at 10am, we opened at 9am as usual...I've always knew that Saturday is a busy day; but I thought it would still be ok...
Morning seems fine, everything was pretty smooth...Even thought I always miss out the 10 min break in the morning, I am more than happy to work coz I do enjoy it.
Ather 3pm there were only 2 pharmacists and 2 staffs left, that's including me. Then this other Pharmore store called up and the line was being passed onto me. I hate...really hate...picking up phone calls seriously, I would have an heart attack when the phone starts to ring andI would do basically everything to avoid least petend I am busy...that didnt; work this time, coz I was right next to the bloody phone! She asked if we had some N-something-wash-cloth...I had no idea wt she was talkin about so I went to ask the other staff..the only staff that is avaliable. She said we didn't have it in store, so I picked up teh phone again "Sorry we don't have it in store"..."Oh You SURE? coz thecomputer said you have 3 in store"....So i turned and ask the other staff again...she told me to ask whats that i did...n i got this weird answer that i didnt; really i didnt; what to do...that other staff was busy too so she ignored me while i was standing here holding the bloody phone...All i did was pick up the phone "Sorry, can u please repeat what are those for?"...."Look, its ok, i would just ring up on weekday and talk to SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT I AM TALKIN ABOUT!" and she slam her phone. There were so many customers/patients waiting for scripts in/out at the other end so i just had to run back to prescription area...Let's hope I don't get into trouble...aiks.
I was tired and I am still tired. And there were just so many little things today tht went wrong on me. This patient got a OTC medication plus 3 other prescriptions, i was down the register at n he came up to pay. I put everything thro in the register....then he went n open his bags of medication.."Look i didn;t ask for the Efexor-XR..i only asked for two scripts..i dont want this!"....ok...apparently I can;t do any i asked another and only staff to do it and i had to check with the pharmacist. Then somehow the blame was on me...coz "She's already put it thro"... Look, I didn't take that script in, I wasn;t workin up the dispensary today and I didn't prepare that; most importantly, he was the one who check it ONLY AFTER the transaction was done...and now for some reason the blame was on me...
so....I apologised, customers come first mah, yah i no...fine. After working for a while in retail, you know how to smile and do wht the customers ask for. Then after they're gone, feel free to say fuck off. That seems to be an interesting thing that happens everywhere I work.
I am really feeling stupid. I dont; know anything in the pharmacy. All I know is to listen to the patient/customer and then say,"yup yup...hold on, i will check it in the computer"...I would hv no clue when they come in and name me this bloody long name of the drug or the brand. I swear freaken Medicinal Chemistry is nto helpin me A BIT in my work, at least i dont think it is...and as for Pharmaceutical Chemistry...all it helped was when soemone came up and ask me what is the difference b/w the Cream n Ointment of the same medication. I am feelin so...useless. I can't believe I am a pharmacy student.
Mum and dad used to tell me I have to learn to lower my head sometime when I come out to work and to the society. Not a little princess anymore. "Just do what others tell you to".Sometimes even you don't like someone, hide it inside you but smile and be nice to them. Sometimes it is better off if you just apologise and get on with it. I always nod my head and say "yah la, mum, dad...don't worry la...i know how to do la"...but then when you have to do it in some situations, you will realised it is not that easy.
Stay in a country that doesn't really belongs to you; being far away from home...sometimes all you want to do is not to let mum n dad worry. Being strong, or at least pretend to be; tellin them i am coping with my life well even I am struggling; try not to let them know I am sick or worn out when I really am...maybe they know my well, and it seems they can always tell when i am ill or tired...but now I do understand what they mean by the real world. Not everything will go in the direction u want it to be. Sometimes you will just have to give in for the sake of everyone and urself.
It seems there are yet a lot of things I have to learn...not just in Pharmacy course, but in life...
Let's hope tomorrow's work up the dispensary will be better...I wish:
1) Everyone just bring in their repeats from my pharmacy so i can just scan easily.
2) No doctors' handwritten-scripts for me to read
3) neck pain and headache would be gone...
4) patience patients
....ok i am too greedy... too many wishes...
okie, the one and only thing that made me laugh is a photo I found in a magazine when i was in my break today:
Awww-.-" i duno if i should say its creative or gross..but its none of my business i suppose...I will never need to come across that...
1 comment:
lol that's a brilliant photograph
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