Sunday, October 12, 2008

The power of media and television...

On 10th October, 2008.Today Tonight broadcasted this clip on this 'amazing' heath care product called "Painaway".What's that? Well~ it is simply a cream or spray that contain 5 mian herbal ingredients for treating Arthritis, the inflammation of joints. Arthritis is a characterised by pain and swelling in the joints and believe it or not, it actually affect 1 in 5 Australian.

The used of 5 herbal ingredients are as followed...for those who are interested:
"Aarnica is for bruising and swelling, rosemary and eucalyptus is for circulation, the emu oil is a carrier that carries the actives deep down onto a bone or vertebrae to attack the inflammation and remove the inflammation in combination - it's unique in that way."

So after this clip was being broadcasted...a funny thing started to appear in my pharmacy this afternoon! A customer came in and asked "Can i have Painaway?" usual...i went and check with other staff...and apparently we are out of them coz the manufactorer was 'out of stock'...Then...10 min later another customer am in..and asked the same question, "Do u guys sell Painaway?"...ok this time I knew how to handle it...but then when the 5th customer came in...I started to giggle already... "sorry....i truly am, but you are teh 5th customer in 2 hours that came in and asked for the same thing! yeh i knew it was on Today Tonight..."....there were around 10 customers caming in just this afternoon to ask for that! How AmazING/ CreePy that is...Even thought other medication have ingredients such as Emu oil and aarnica....customers seem to refuse them.

Media has a very very big impact on everyone's life. It is a very strong and powerful tool apparently, especially in manipulating ideas and thoughts. I guess being a health care professional which we (my vcp matezz) later in lives would become, it is very important to understand the impact Media has on an individual psychologically. Give patients the knowledgeable and professional advices, guild them and point them to the right direction which can lead to the optimal outcome for their conditions and treatments. Pharmacists are not just someone wearing white coat, hiding behind the counter and sticking colourful labels on the boxes ( Even tho I DO like to do that ).

I enjoyed my work today, even tho it was a bit long coz another staff needed to go home early and I stayed for 3 hours more. Obviously it wasn't as busy as yesterday which was great. Sota getting the hang of the computer input and knowing where stuff are...
Working with this pharmacist on sunday is fun too...I guess i am not someone who talk a lot when i am working... I used to think he's not someone who smile often...but now I reckon he is kinda funny. He's always very patience and would never panick like I do...He told me today not to worry when there are nasty customers but just do my own stuff and don't panick,,,I would say all pharmacists have this similarities. This guy really taught me a lot even tho I am really stupid and learn every thing SOO slowly. Sometimes i feel really bad to bother him. Unlike some other pharmacists that would just give me the answer to my questions, he actually makes me think logically and tell him what my ideas are first..." what do u think? what do they do? Tell me what you know about it?" ...I learn more this way...And his cantonese is really ...cute XD..I hope i didn;t gave him a lot of trouble when I am working...coz it's his responsibilities afterall if I'd mess up sth >.<

So tired hot...Tomorrow i will have to go back for an hour for my training...but I am sure I qill enjoy the peaceful morning...haven't been studying for a few days already!Pro...crastinating again...
P.S: I am in the 3th row counted from the front and the 4th girl counted from the left in my kindergarten photo in my 1st blogs

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