Thursday, October 9, 2008

Last Day of UNI !!!..for me=P

I can't believe it is the last day of sem 2 for me already...End of year 1 pharmacy course, with exams ahead in 3 weeks' time. Today i finish at 3ish and so I decided to go MC and bumped around. Vallygirl is always my regular 'point of interest'...I've picked a top and a dress randomly and here're some snapshots =]

But since my pharmacy paid me AUD200 less this week (and last week...We got paid fortnightly)...I decided to save some $$ and not do any shopping today...and since I have too many dress and tops...I really should leave my wardrobe a breathing spot.

It had been a cheerful day today...and I realised the cherry blossom outside my house finally got little fruits! Look!

I still remember how beautiful the flowers look, but sadly their lives are always so short; only last for a few days... The fruit...from my memory last year, was sour. I always had to fight with the birds to get a perfect little cherry =S Even thought the fruit of cherry blossom might not taste as nice as other fruits that are being sold from the supermarket; it is natural, a gift from nature. Its the beauty of nature...the smell of lives and the taste of growth. I just love it. I never really notice the skinny-weird-looking-tree outside my house that I walk pass everyday would be so beautiful.

There are a lot of things or people that you might come across from time to time; they might be something or someone you see everyday,,,so often that they might seem so insignificant and ordinary; but if you do pay attention to these little things around you, and appreciate their existance,you would realise there are more to your lives and the things around you. Everything is unique; and everyone, everything here are doing their very best to make a difference in yours, and their own lives...

Can't wait for the cherries this year!

Oh by the way, I visited my friend's blog just now and foudn one of my favourite song.."I'm already there"...I used to listen to the Westlife version, but this video really touched me...I would like to share with all of you here. And of course, thx for squeeishhie's blog! Enjoy!

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