I fell in love with this traditional instrument when I was young; and after using my crying-n-begging-tactic, I finally started my first lesson after Primary 6 in mainland china during my holidays. It was harder than I thought and I would admit I actually wanted to give up after not reaching my teacher's requirment for one piece....my rhythm was wrong, i couldn;t remember the music, and most importantly i had blisters all over my fingers. I didnt; have my lessons constantly coz I had to head back to Macau for school. In Form 1 my teacher asked me to go back and sit for an exam...so i was like "wth....I've only learnt for a few months all in total...and grade 3 exams now? how about grade one? i should start from there!" ...I am not someone who liek to play to pass exams...I hate to practise that few music just to play for exam.But I sat for it and i passed...and thats the end of muic exam in my life...I am not going to do it again.
After I came ot Australia, I picked up GuZheng again from another teacher...not starting from zero but its hard for me since all teachers have their own feel to music and own ways of playing certain music. I joined her ensemble even tho I stopped the lessons with her eventally. Ihad a lot of fun in the ensemble, its great to have a bunch of friend who share the same interest and passion...We are from different background, different age, but we bonded well...
2005 Crown Casino-Chinese New Year
*1st time being MC...totally freaked out...coz I lost my bloody cheat sheet..
2006 Crown Casino- Chinese New Year
-We had 3 performances at Riverside/Crown.
2007 Crown Casino- Chinese New Year
As for my high school, I am really glad I found someone who are interested in the combination of Chinese/western music... We had so much fun together rehearsing, making our own part and contribute to the piece of art. They are all talented musician and singers, and most importantly, they are those dearest friends who always stand by me.
2005 Multicultural Dinner
- 2 Guzhengs, 1 Erhu - we played 3 pieces of chinese music
2006 Mulcultural Dinner
- Combination of Cello, Piano and Guzheng + singer
-Jay Chow "发如雪"
-2 Guzhengs - "Jasmine"- Chinese folk music
-It was one of the memorable performance coz i was wearing the chinese top that I made for myself lol...
2007 Multicultural Dinner
- We play a piece that was being composed by our very talented friend, who was also the pianist of the performnce. We had drums, cello, piano and Guzheng. Oh!! C'on , guys ...we should make our own band again!!!
P.S: Being the MC od the night as well as the performaner gave me absolutely pain...coz there wasn't enough time to get change and most importantly... it was my first time wearing high heels and carried my Guzheng around....walkin up stairs...but it was the last performance in high school...was very memorable =]
Even thought we don't play music together anymore now; the memories are always there and they can always make me smile... and I will always cherish them...I miss you all!
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