Monday, October 13, 2008

A day for sleeping in,,,

Haven't been sleeping well lately, I suppose yesterday night/this morning was an execption...I slept at 2ish and woke up at 12 noon! I could finally sleep once I fell down my bed! I've tried aromatherapy, like for 2 days; but i doubt it really worked on me...It was pretty though, especially the tender candle light... and I begin to like the smell of Lavender ( still not as much as Rose and Jasmine).

Its said that "the oil molecules stimulate scent receptors in the brain that, in turn, trigger a response in the part of the brain that influences heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance. "..ok..but i thought it was the scent that stimulate the hair cells/olfactory cilia which contains receptors in the nose and hence lead to these action potentials firing and messages are sent to the brain...and then...hmm....i duno...seems liek I really gota study harder. Haven't even opened my books yet. ANYWAY, i guess its a "placebo" to some extend.

Tomorrow is my Pharmacy Practise Laboraaatory EXAM!!! o.0....NO!!! I haven;t study yet...i still have tonight to browse through, but i think it should be ok =]

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