We had our last physiology prac today..which is a dissecting prac. Some people seem to find it interesting and fun; but to me...its my first animal prac EVER in my life... I am sorta against, the whoel process of animal testing. Yes, human being is 'supreme' in this world compare to other living creatures, but does that mean we can violate the basic rights of other species? The concept of "they are breed to do this" just sounds pathetic and cruel. But, yes .."You eat meat anyway" and from another point of view, that this is necessary (?!)... lets say if we need to do a testing of a new drug on its toxicity in living species, would we want to use a living human to do it for us? At the end of the day we want the best solution for our patients.But...it's just a bit selfish. I don't which side I am really on because it IS a very controversial topic. I guess i am more on the against side?
So there we were, walkin into the lab n we saw sleeping mice lying on the bench. We picked a white one further down after hestiating for a while. Later we foudn that the whiteones are males and grey ones are females. Me and my other 2 close friends were in a team...one of them had 2 mice at home atm. Before the prac she was fully excited: "Don;t Worry! I will cut it =D!!" ...but once she saw those poor little creature on the bench...she said "oh no..I am not cutting it!" [ Yeh, girls like to change their mind quickly! ] I had a moment I thought I wanted to cry, it's just...sad. So in the end we gave this job to our 'experienced' teammate. So there she was, pickin up the skin with the foreceps and cutting open the tummy..all the way up to the chest...then open at the legs...then GROSS! all its guts n stuff were clearly seem...intestine,,liver,,urinogential system,,blood vessels....and we had to pick and dragand pull around its guts to find the organs we were meant to examine. After the prac were over, all these poor opened mice were thrown together in a small plastic basket, and thats the end of their lives....thats what they're "lived for".
I truly feel sorry for him, and thankful at the same time.
Switching to a better topic...did anyone of you find me in the last kindergarten photo by the way=P here's a closer look:
Got any clues?
C'on, have a guess and leave a comment here! I will tell u guys the answer on...lt's see...Sunday=]
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