Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Andi's birthday

Yesterday was my dear dear DEAREST friend ANDI's 20th birthday!!!yeah!
So lets start from the PREPARATION:
On the day before...which is monday,,, I baked a CAKE! okok! i cheated (shut up shirly!)...I used cake mix! BUT STILL!! its my first time ever bakin a cke WITHOUT the help of aunt =] As a pharmacy student, I know how to measure accurately LOL, and i swear the "preparing creams and mixure" lab class helped me a lot in bakin the cake this time...It turned out to be pretty ok actually. And most important I apply my dispensing label skill again HOHOHO

ON THE DAY (21st Oct):

We went to Oriental Spoon in La Trobe Street...A korean resturant sicne we know Andi wanted to eat korean food=] Its my 2nd time eain korean fod so far and I would say I like that resturant....We had a lot of fun WAITING for each other to decide what to eat -.-""""" but at the end we ordered 3 dishes and shared.

Then SURPRISE time!!! my <3>

After that we went to Kbox...and sang out heart out...hmm, lets do it some other time girls! It was just so much fun!!!
Btw, Mel looked SO differnt with dress n heels =P ( OKOK mel, i didnt post THAT photo up=P )
P.S.: Andi, you're a great friend! and i will always remember 14th Feb 2008, the day when we three meet each other =] (awww, how sweet...) Thank for beign there for me all teh time, standing by me ans support me. Now we hope you will have a great new journey ahead. We will be here by your side too =] Love ya heaps!

1 comment:

ping said...

luisa, please don't tell me u wore gloves when u were mixing the cake mix together T_____T