Saturday, October 25, 2008

Don't Worry Be Happy

Exams? What exams?

I had been studying Pharmacy Practise for the whole day, yet I don't know what had went into my brain. There are so much to stuff in: Psychology, Ethics, Organisations, Medicine In Profile, Probabilities, Statistic, Pharmacoepidemiology and research method, dispensing skills, patients care problm solving,rural pharmacy,compliance issue...Can you believe there are so much in just ONE subject?!

Its amazed how a person's brain can stuff in SO many stuff.

I am not panicking now yet...still in me "lalala don't worry" mood.
This semster had been so weird for me, I dont; know what I;ve learnt and now they said its exam time! Feeling so unprepared.

Jia You everyone! We can make it through, alive. We are getting there and it will be over soon!

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