Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Post EVER

YEAH~! after prooo...crastinating on my studies for AGES...i finally did something productive! Yeah, a new blog...HOW DOES THAT SOUND?! so basically I migrated from my MSN space to this Blogspot...ok from now on I am gona stick to it only!!!

Look, I ama very lazy person; especially when it comes to updating my blog....let me last diary entry was EXACTLY one month ago....but I will try to make this blog interesting =]

Today is the last dy of my one-week-so-called-'holiday'. One more week back uni and i will have exams to worry about. To be honest I am not ready AT ALL! but its ok, lets worry about it when its closer =P

Interesting enough, I found a facebook group called '聖羅撒中文部 95年幼稚園同學'...1995..the year i graduated from kindergardenie! uhu~! and I seem to find a lot of those familiar names =] It's a funny feeling finding back your kindie/primary school mates; wonder where thay all are and what they are doing now....You reckon you can find me in the photo? =P I challenge you!

Oh no! Its monday again tomorrow =[... good thing is that I get to see my uni buddies...bad thing is...yeh...I gotta wake up early....

Thanks for reading =] I will catch you up soon!


Kenjisan said...

Cool first post!! I cannot find you in the pic !! So hard... haha im getting blind. I am so lazy to update my own blog too :P Need to be more hardworking ><

Vinchi said...

heyhey just dropping by~ cool...u using blogger now? me too~ I never used any others except for blogger =D havent talked to u for a while T_T Oh, im goin to HK in Decemeber ~yay~