Saturday, December 27, 2008
Yesterday wasn't bad, Boxing Day mah~ public holiay and most people went shopping.
But today was nuts. I've always knew Saturday is a busy day, but it was just crazy today. Customers all came into the shop in the LAST hour at 4ish, and I was the only staff on the sales floor ( There was another staff at the register)... With heaps of new scripts coming in, those that were waiting to pick up their medications were getting impatient. They complained about the long waiting time, and was asking rudely "why does the phrmacist have to re-check it again when she has done it?!"...Dude, this is for your own safety reason =S
Been having retarded nose for the whole day!!! and my feet hurt. Plus I stupidly cut my finger with PAPER ....and..oh yeh =S....and I bang my hand on the register which gave me a nice cut and bruise. What is going on with me today -.-"
Another 5 hours tomorrow.
Then Tuesday 30th Dec from 10-5pm again
New Year Day: 10-5pm
Following Friday 2nd Jan:5-9pm
Saturday 3rd Jan: 10-3pm
Sundy 4th Jan:10-2pm
Friday 9th Jan: 5-9pm
Saturday 10th Jan/ last shift before I leave Melb: 10-3pm
nice least I am keepng myself busy, let along i am half dead by now...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Didn’t really celebrate this year but it was more like hanging out with my friend and had lunch in her house. Dumplings and fried noodles! And nope, I didn’t made them =P Yeh anyone that know “MLCC” knows that she is hopeless in cooking…
Lol, this random grumpy old lady with funny purplish-pink hair appeared on TV for no reasons!
We watched a movie in the house and we went out to a park for a walk. I didn’t know it was so close to IKEA! See, this place is so pretty and peaceful…
OHH~ and this is Andi's little cute =] I was too scared to hold her tho >.<
After burning off some of our energy, we decided to give ourselves a small reward! Yes! Ice cream :D plus one of my FAVOURITE snacks - CHESTNUTS >3<
hmmz…ladies in our group in vcp, we all know how much yoyo loves Super Junior-one of the member, KI (Potassium Iodide or Kang-In<>, depending how well you understand it =P )…so yup, we watched the 1st Asia concert dvd. Great dancers and singers!
I am not looking forward for the coming weekend at all...Working tomorrow from 10-5pm...then Saturday from 10-5pm ( that will be SO busy! I can predict!)...Sunday from 10-3pm...then omg Tuesday from 10-5pm again...
Just want time to pass faster! Now I want to get out of Melboure.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
> 1 days!!!
Ever since I was young I deem Christmas as the happiest festival of the year. Those good old times…when we had parties in school, when we had school play, when we swapped presents, when we sang Christmas carol; it seemed that the air is full of joy of Christmas.
But now, for the first year ever; I am feeling so different.
Coming all the way to study…Being alone in Melbourne…It had always been a path that is set for me since I was young. It had always been my parent’s plan. Yes, I am thankful and happy about the decision. And the price which I have to pay that is, yes, being alone here; learning to be strong and independent. Good or bad? Depends on how you look at it =] I would say I am pretty happy to be here with freedom; let alone I used to lie on bed everytime I arrive Melbourne from Macau , “Why am I here?”. But now it seems that I’ve found something that I truly look forward to in Melbourne, maybe not now yet…but I am sure this time when I return to Melbourne in 2 months time, I would feel different. Positively.
Even though on any ‘special days/festivals’ I tend to feel a bit empty…I mean, looking back into the memories, the times I had with my family and friends, the way we celebrated each festival, whether they are chinese or western…There were so much fun. And now it seems that those times won’t come back anymore.
Moving on to merrier things!
I went for my pharmacy's Christmas Eve breakfast at 8am today! omg had such a bad sleep ( was planning to sleep at 11pm but my mum called my twice after 11:30pm to place their 'order' of what tey want me to buy -.-") but I am glad I got my energy back thro my 2 hour afternoon nap =P Apparently everyone that went got their pressie besides ME...why? becoz, my 'secret santa' were I will onyl ot my pressie on Boxing Day when I go back for work~ After that I drove to The Pines and got the 1o packs of chocolate for my mum...then I took the bus and headed to Boxhill again to get those Creams for my relatives (15boxes!)...then back to Westfield AGAIN, to get a Parker Pen for my dad as I basically finished all th shopping for overseas! and I am 101% BROKE!
Yes its Christmas tomorrow…or maybe I would say, in a few hours’ time! That one and only present which I was told NOT to open till Christmas morning…I can finally open it SOON =] I can’t believe I didn’t cheat and open it earlier -.-” I mean, I opened all my presents and then wrapped them back, so I will reopen them again on Christmas~ yeh but EXCEPT for that one and only present!
Merry Christmas my friends! No matter where you are now, enjoy yourself and I wish that it would be an awesome Christmas for you all!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
2 more days...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
4 more days...
And seems that I haven’t been working for so long! Today I was up dispensary with Larry…It was so busy. Wasn’t too bad, it’s manageable =] After that I shopped in my pharmacy for stuff like moisturizing creams for mum and dad…yeh everyone, I am leaving *only* on 12th January, 09. I wish I had booked earlier.
Stayed at home afterwards and finished off my Korean drama “Behind the White Tower”. It is one of the few *very few* dramas I’ve watched that is NOT a love story. It is more a drama about doctors in hospital trying to get into the positions they want. Pride, Fame, Money…And because of that, patients care is no longer the first priority as health care professionals. Very pathetic. I spend around 4 days to finish all 20 episodes. Was great coz I got something to entertain myself =] Plus, I still have a few interesting dramas/TV shows in my hard drive waiting for me to finish!
Don’t care la…I need new glasses anyway, wont; make a difference by now =P
4 more days till Christmas….
I am never very patient…and I am told not to open the presents till Christmas morning (Traditionally its Boxing Day morning right=P shuuushh =P I don’t want to wait one more day!)…I am so tempted to pull off the sticky tapes! I would be honest and say this is one of the biggest tests on my patience so far. Especially when that golden bag is right infront of you!!! And on it there were handwritings “Do not open until Christmas morning”…BACK AND FRONT!!!
So tempted…
Self control….
Friday, December 19, 2008
When you really love something or someone, you might grab it a little too tight...beacuse you don't want to let it go. In this holiday, I think I did, pushed it a bit too hard. Even though you do understand what you should do and what to expect, sometimes you could be easily blinded by your own thoughts. But I am glad it all worked out in the end. The most important thing is that we know what we want, and we know there is a balance point for everything. It is not like when you don't see each other as often, everything will change. If it is a true feeling, then it won't collapse that easily. I've always believe in it.
It is always a blessing to have someone who understands you and knowing what you want and need...knowing how to work together and have faith. I am feelng lucky, very contented and I am thankful...
So let these months be a little test...which is going to make us stronger... its not goodbye.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
18th dec
I slept for 12 hours straight last night...I reckon its the night with most sleep ever since holiday has started. I always think sleeping is a waste of time...They said 1/3 of our lives are the time we spend in sleeping....which means, on average we sleep 8hrs/24hrs a day...or 2.3 days/a week ...or 10 days per month...or 4 months per year....letssay i am that lucky and live till 80 years old, I would have spent nearly 27 years sleeping. Imagine using all those time doing something more productive...more meaningful...
And now sleeping sometimes is something I do when I want time to pass quicker...
I dont; like the feeling of lying on bed awake alone, especially on a gloomy own thoughts can always trap me and get me today...
and today I don't think I can take slow music...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Girls Day out!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Its gona be friday again
Its mid December already.
Sometimes when I am alone, I really wish time can pass more quickly. Ths holiday is too long.
My eyes are tired but I dont; want to sleep....
Friday...working again...