Sunday, December 21, 2008

4 more days...

It’s a sunny and hot day after all…

And seems that I haven’t been working for so long! Today I was up dispensary with Larry…It was so busy. Wasn’t too bad, it’s manageable =] After that I shopped in my pharmacy for stuff like moisturizing creams for mum and dad…yeh everyone, I am leaving *only* on 12th January, 09. I wish I had booked earlier.

Stayed at home afterwards and finished off my Korean drama “Behind the White Tower”. It is one of the few *very few* dramas I’ve watched that is NOT a love story. It is more a drama about doctors in hospital trying to get into the positions they want. Pride, Fame, Money…And because of that, patients care is no longer the first priority as health care professionals. Very pathetic. I spend around 4 days to finish all 20 episodes. Was great coz I got something to entertain myself =] Plus, I still have a few interesting dramas/TV shows in my hard drive waiting for me to finish!

Don’t care la…I need new glasses anyway, wont; make a difference by now =P

4 more days till Christmas….
I am never very patient…and I am told not to open the presents till Christmas morning (Traditionally its Boxing Day morning right=P shuuushh =P I don’t want to wait one more day!)…I am so tempted to pull off the sticky tapes! I would be honest and say this is one of the biggest tests on my patience so far. Especially when that golden bag is right infront of you!!! And on it there were handwritings “Do not open until Christmas morning”…BACK AND FRONT!!!

So tempted…

Self control….

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