Thursday, December 18, 2008

18th dec

Its the 18th of December already....

I slept for 12 hours straight last night...I reckon its the night with most sleep ever since holiday has started. I always think sleeping is a waste of time...They said 1/3 of our lives are the time we spend in sleeping....which means, on average we sleep 8hrs/24hrs a day...or 2.3 days/a week ...or 10 days per month...or 4 months per year....letssay i am that lucky and live till 80 years old, I would have spent nearly 27 years sleeping. Imagine using all those time doing something more productive...more meaningful...

And now sleeping sometimes is something I do when I want time to pass quicker...

I dont; like the feeling of lying on bed awake alone, especially on a gloomy own thoughts can always trap me and get me today...

and today I don't think I can take slow music...

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