Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2 more days...

Melbourne always has funny weather...It was bloody 35 yesterday and today it dropped back to comfy 21 =] I would say this weather is awesome! At least I won't feel annoyed,retarded and tired without air-con...
Been to Westfield two days in a row...Yesterday I did so much shopping. Right if you want to ask whay dont; I get my shopping done on Boxing Day, I am 'pleased' to announce that I am working 10am-5pm on 26th Dec...well, I don't mind working on that day anyway..It's public holiday and the pharmacy shouldn;t be busy.

So I brought SO MANY stuff....got a lot for mum, dad, sister and other relatives....and yes, my parent's friends too =S

"Buy 15 boxes of chocolate back, arh Ting ( my cantonese name)...dont; bring anythig clothes back..so you will have more space in you luggage....then u can fit all teh chocolates and lollies..." ....-.-" oh mum....you might not realise that 3 packs of 1kg Nougat lollies are occupying HALF of my luggage already! another 15 boxes of chocolate...-.-" oh yeh...I am basically buying stuff for my mum n dad so they can give to THEIR friends and most IMPORTANTLY, i dont; get my $$ back...

that's why I am broke.

So far I am spending more than i earn ( for December)
My budgeted revenue <>
Hence, it is a NET LOSS...
* oh my beloved accounting skills... >3<*

Today I met up with my high school friends at Westfield and we had coffee n cake.

Ohh...Look what I;ve got!!! yeh...a super mage cute giraffe neck pillow.
P.S: Yuki....where are my fotos with this cute giraffe? Pls send them to me =]
AND yes, this stuff is going to be one of my hand-carry and YES i will bring it to China..then to Macau...then to HK..then to europe..then back HK...then back Macau..then back China...then back Melbourne! At least it will keep my neck in place during my flights and travel. Hm...lets hope mum n dad won't kill me when they see me cuddling it, n walking out of the airport...."Grow up! You are nearly 20!!" ..I bet they will say that!...nope..i dont; see what's wrong with cute stuff like soft toys and pillows!


Frank said...

luisaaaa...enjoy urself yeah =) have a safe flight too

Melissa said...

the giraffe is sooo cuteee!!!