Saturday, June 20, 2009


Nope, i studied absolute nothing tody and i am serious.

But I am feeling much better today which means now/soon-ish i can attempt to study harder without my mind floatng around in the air.

Last paper on Monday,,,it is only 2 hour so it would be over soon! *I hope* !! and the what comes next is the HOLIDAY!...Well, a holiday with a lot of my friends leaving...

To Hannah: How are you in HK? and HOW COULD YOU LEFT ON MY 1st DAY OF EXAM!!?
To Beverly: Have a safe journey on Monday...and you too T^T how could you leave on my last day of exam...Have fun in Japan too!

To Daphne: Have fun packing =] Faster activate your fb account again! I thought you evaporated ... Good on you~ leaving on Tuesday =]
To Esther D: T^T and you...are leaving too...well...have fun with ur friends in Perth...bring me a ...well..lets see, what's famous in Perth...i duno...a salmon =S

Now who else are going? *sob*


ok i need to study hard so i don't have to see Helen again in 2nd year new motivation!

P.S.: Thanks for loving me for who i am

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