Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I guess I can always find reasons ( or excuses ) not to do my blog and personal diary...I am THAT lazy...well...the fact is, I had been you all know =P EXAMS!!

2 down....2 to go...Tomorrow is 2331 Pharmacy Practise...totally rubbish...I don;t know how to study for it at all =[ Only started studying yesterday, and did less than half when I realised that I really can;t be bother. Attempted to watch a scary movie " A tale of two sister " (Korean) and ended up hiding under the blanket for two usual, I missed 90% of the movie.

And today...I had tried, again to wake up earlier to study...attempted to wake up at 8am but ended up waking up at 12:05pm...Poor alarm, I think I had torture it enough...battery is out too (again) coz i had been pressing Snooze for SOOO many times...

I don't wanna study....
I want holiday....

I have friends that said I;ve changed...One said yesterday that I seem less stressed before and after exam...and i seem more positvie..Really? Oh, I don't think you would say so if you were sitting in my car before and after exam...ROAD RAGGGGGGGE..."Get off the road dude....stupid tram...ARGH i can't change lane"

*sneeze* oh pls don't tell me I am getting sick...

Or maybe I've changed?

But I really cbs anymore...I WANT HOLIDAY!!! and 4 weeks holiday is NOT ENOUGH!!! I wanna go shopping go resting go watch movie go playing go singing go sewing go doing art work go play music go dating go badminton goooo anywhere as long as I can forget about study...just relax and have fun...HEY GUYS! lets catch up in holiday!! yeh WE!! ALL!!! lets...go shopping...well, window shopping if i am broke...and go...argh i miss the beach...too cold now right? hmm...then we'll think of something!! * The DREAMING * ( NOT that one in Rural lecture! )

I shall focus...shall I?
SO....its study time now?

o..kay... =[

"Think of exams as motivation" Thats what I said to shirly WSS yesterday...then for me...the motivation is HOLIDAY...

We're half way there~~

Good luck everybuddy!

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