Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
You Belong With Me
Friday, June 26, 2009
White Horse
"I had so many dreams...About you and me...Happy endings...Now I know; I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale..I'm not the one you'll sweep off her feet,Lead her up the stairwell...This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town,I was a dreamer before you went and let me down...Now it's too late for you and your white horse, to come around"
------Taylor Swift/ 'White Horse'
No, I am not depressed or what...It's just that this song is so...sad...but meaningful. I can imagine how painful that is...I don't know why, but this song really touches my heart. Everything i listen to it, I say " Oh, please, i don't want to use this song at all "
Maybe its because ever since I was young..I love fairy tales..."Once upon a time....and they live happily ever after"...The prince will always find the princess ....then they will fall in love and move into tha castle... and in the end live happily forever, with their magical animals.
When I grow up I start to realise, life is not a fairytale. Relationships don't always have happy endings. Or maybe the two person just aren't meant for each other?
I feel lucky, I really do. But sometimes, I am so scared. The more important a person is to you, the more scared you are to lose that person, isn't it true? I am scared that words can be so fragile; and promises? I never ask for any promises...sometimes i like it this way, but sometimes...
I've never thought I am someone who is that insecured...I've never really know what jealousy feels like until I actually felt it...It was sour.
"Perfect" is an adjective. How would you define it?
To me, this is perfect. Even though lately I had been terribly emotional, terribly unreasonable....even though it had been feeling a bit bumpy lately... I know, there is nowhere in this world i'd rather be in.
I feel content.
...this is not perfect, yet it is. Nothing is perfect. it only depends how you yourself define it.
I've learnt to have faith and trust.
So many people walk passed you in your life, and out of that hundred millions of people...that one person stands out of the crowd and catches your eyes and captures your heart. I do believe in destiny now.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Last one!!
Just feeling taking random here are two : My favorite corner in my room...
Tomorrow at this time i will be half way doing my 2151 exam paper in Caufield...
funny feeling
Now before I go to study...I feel like painting my =] "Hot Hot Mango"
It will be over hard for another day....
Saturday, June 20, 2009
But I am feeling much better today which means now/soon-ish i can attempt to study harder without my mind floatng around in the air.
Last paper on Monday,,,it is only 2 hour so it would be over soon! *I hope* !! and the what comes next is the HOLIDAY!...Well, a holiday with a lot of my friends leaving...
To Hannah: How are you in HK? and HOW COULD YOU LEFT ON MY 1st DAY OF EXAM!!?
To Beverly: Have a safe journey on Monday...and you too T^T how could you leave on my last day of exam...Have fun in Japan too!
To Daphne: Have fun packing =] Faster activate your fb account again! I thought you evaporated ... Good on you~ leaving on Tuesday =]
To Esther D: T^T and you...are leaving too...well...have fun with ur friends in Perth...bring me a ...well..lets see, what's famous in Perth...i duno...a salmon =S
Now who else are going? *sob*
ok i need to study hard so i don't have to see Helen again in 2nd year new motivation!
P.S.: Thanks for loving me for who i am
Friday, June 19, 2009
Woke up only at 12:05pm...Made Mee-goreng with chicken nugget and fish going to make egg/tuna/celery salad...but ended up boiling a potato for no reason.
My head hurts too.
I need something to pull myself back together.
"祝我生日快乐" is stuck in my head for no reason.
I am simply feel a bit down today.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
3 down..1 more to go...
Glad it is all over...
Last and Next on the list is : PAC 2151 Biochem
Helen: "he..hehehe..this is really clever, this molecule can go into the cell cycle blablabla....isn't it beautiful"
Somebuddy save me pls -.-
I am so dead in this last exam...It's not that the subject is hard-hard...Its more like her paper is too unpredictable. She spent 20 min in the lecture talking about supramolecule and after that I STILL don;t know what on earth they are -.-"
Holiday holiday...where art thou?
Stay positive everybuddy!
It will be over in 4 days...which is roughly 4*24 hours = 4*24 *60 min = 4*24*60*60 seconds = 345600 seconds?! WHAT? no..this figure doesn't look appealling...nvm, we shall stick with 4 days...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
2 down....2 to go...Tomorrow is 2331 Pharmacy Practise...totally rubbish...I don;t know how to study for it at all =[ Only started studying yesterday, and did less than half when I realised that I really can;t be bother. Attempted to watch a scary movie " A tale of two sister " (Korean) and ended up hiding under the blanket for two usual, I missed 90% of the movie.
And today...I had tried, again to wake up earlier to study...attempted to wake up at 8am but ended up waking up at 12:05pm...Poor alarm, I think I had torture it enough...battery is out too (again) coz i had been pressing Snooze for SOOO many times...
I don't wanna study....
I want holiday....
I have friends that said I;ve changed...One said yesterday that I seem less stressed before and after exam...and i seem more positvie..Really? Oh, I don't think you would say so if you were sitting in my car before and after exam...ROAD RAGGGGGGGE..."Get off the road dude....stupid tram...ARGH i can't change lane"
*sneeze* oh pls don't tell me I am getting sick...
Or maybe I've changed?
But I really cbs anymore...I WANT HOLIDAY!!! and 4 weeks holiday is NOT ENOUGH!!! I wanna go shopping go resting go watch movie go playing go singing go sewing go doing art work go play music go dating go badminton goooo anywhere as long as I can forget about study...just relax and have fun...HEY GUYS! lets catch up in holiday!! yeh WE!! ALL!!! lets...go shopping...well, window shopping if i am broke...and go...argh i miss the beach...too cold now right? hmm...then we'll think of something!! * The DREAMING * ( NOT that one in Rural lecture! )
I shall focus...shall I?
SO....its study time now?
o..kay... =[
"Think of exams as motivation" Thats what I said to shirly WSS yesterday...then for me...the motivation is HOLIDAY...
We're half way there~~
Good luck everybuddy!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Love Story
I close my eyes And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
See the lights See the party, the ball gowns
I see you make your way through the crowd
And say hello, little did I know
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes
So I sneak out to the garden to see you
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes Escape this town for a little while
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
But you were everything to me
I was begging you please don't go and I said
Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone I
'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
Its a love story baby just say yes
Romeo save me, they try to tell me how to feel
This love is difficult, but it's real
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh oh I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town, and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said, marry me Juliet
You'll never have to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story baby just say yes
Oh, oh, oh, oh 'Cause we were both young when I first saw you...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
..and i know...i had been abandoning my blog lately...
SO many essayzz to write..and assignment..and tests =[
I can't wait till the next holiday~! 2 months time!!
I had been changing my study method this year...that includes skipping i am not wagging =P, i catch up my lectures right after lectopia is up~ It does allow me more time to rest...1.5 hours to uni in the morning is just...grrr
( How are you, my fellow vcp fds? I haven;t been seeing you guys for...a while =P )
Sent in my old bomb to service...sigh...apparently the brakes are all worn out...not the patch work would last a while but I shall start looking for a new car soon. Hate it when dad started to yell at's not my fault!! I just don't have time for it...and insurance will shoot up after i get a new car ( complimentary insurance, not 3rd party anymore)...maybe i shall worry about that later!
Just caught up on today's lecture...
I want food...dessert!!
Ok I am going to uni tomorrow =] I will~ maybe not thursday =P're getting all kind of impatient...waiting...we live and we learn to take...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Great Ocean Road
Easter Break i now coming to an end...I have no idea what I;ve done so far~! seriously! lol...not productive at all! But the hightlight of it would definitely be my first day trip EVER!!! ( since I came to Melbourne...)
We left home at 8ish on Thursday and reached Geelong at 9:30am...not too bad! That was quicker than we expected. TO be honest, I didn't really had a clue of where we were heading exactly...I thought we were going to take the ferry and then drive back from mornington...oh well~ sometimes you dont; have to be fully planned to have fun =] Afetr visiting the information center there, we decided to drive onto the Great Ocean Road...[look at photos from above] ..Long day and it was a 600km drive in a day...Thanks mel! for giving us direction to the gas station in Geelong!! Was a great day out!
Oh...please let me enjoy my last day of holiday...or maybe I shall do something more productive!!! like...catching on some of my lectures...-.-"
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Easter Saturday
Pharmacy was closed yesterday, maybe that explained why it was EXTRA SUPA MEGA busy today...Overtimed for 25 minutes too...and no i don't get paid for it =S
Duno if it is the flu going around in aunt's house or just coz i was totally worn out today...I am starting to get sick now...again =S how annoying this is...and no, i am absolutely NON-ADHERENCE to my medicines. I take them when I remember, I take them when I feel like it...don't remind me what course I am doing, coz that doesn;t help ME at all.
Another failure on the attempting to make a chocolate mousse cake.
That's how terrible I am at cooking...and baking =[
Oh well, I've alwasy know I am not born for cooking...
I;ve dne absolutely NOTHING so far in my easter holiday...
Work, Work, and work,,,
today 7 hours...
tomorrow 4 hours,
monday another 7 hours...
not that I am complaining...(maybe I am, just a little bit)
...its true that I should be happy having a job...
but sometimes I want my break too...
Oh well, its holiday...
be happy, don't worry!
Japanese dinner tomorrow!! can't wait!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Busy week ahead!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Happy Birthday?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"Marry Me?"
Up the clear blue sky, it was written " marry me?"
This is one of the sweetest ( and one of the most expensive I'd say ) proposal I've ever seen!
Candle light dinner, flowers, then ring...thats like the most classical proposal in history! C'on guys! Need to be more creative!Its not that I am saying all guys should proposal up the sky, spending a fortune etc.. Material wealth doesn't come first, it never does...but try make that one of the most unforgetable and sweetest moment in you and your partner's life! make it special and unique...and as long as it comes from the heart, thats whats the most important.
I wonder if he's made it? I was talking to my friend and we were saying, the engagment ring must be huge...OR maybe he's spent all his money getting his proposal up the more ring =P
But either way, I still think she is a lucky girl. Having someone who is telling the whole world how much he loves her. I wish them both all the best!
and of course, congratulations!
Friday tomorrow!! yeah! and today's Commuication tutorial was SO FUN...I had to act as an non-engish-speaking-girl who has low BP and is about to faint and has no idea what my medication is...."You...chinese? speak..english"....can;t wait till the next tute! LOL
P.S.: I still think I am the luckiest girl...=]
me me ME!
- LuisaSA
- Grew up in Macau and came to Australia in 2004. Currently undertaking Bachelor of Pharmacy in Melbourne. My little dream is..."to live happily ever after"