Friday, October 31, 2008

HAPPY hello-win!

YEAH! 3 exams done....!! one more to go and I will be finished. So far I thin I passed all, but its the matter of whether I can get above the level to maintain my scholarship =S anyway! the last one is on 10th nov, so basically I will have 10 days to muck around...

my plan is....
Tomorrow, work in pharmacy...
Cupday, work in pharmacy...
Coming Friday, work in pharmacy...
Next Saturday, Pharacy training in main office...
Next Sunday, worki in pharmacy....
The rest: sleep, eat, get distracted as usual...

Tonight i will relax...then maybe I will start doin some reading after work tomorrow if I am good...or maybe I will start on Monday (Luisa's procrastinating syndrome ...again!)

Today had been a gloomy day, but it is Halloween! (omg...these bunch of kids are outside my house...)...and what makes me more happy is that exams are endin, and finally I can rest a bit. Waking up at 5am today totally stuffed my head up...especially after I had that cup of coffee from Hungry JAck, my heart was racing madly even I wasn't panicking for exam=S bad enough to start a day in such way...

Oh! the amount of lollies and chocolate I have now is enough to get me to the dentist soon....but... =]

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

2 Down, 2 more to go?

Pharm Chem, one of my MOST worrying FINALLY...DONE...I have no comment on it, I knew I did bad..I gave up the paper 45 minutes before exam finishedand was just chewing my colourful Jellybeans. Only had 5 hours of sleep last night and I didn't feel like doin an exams today!...anyway, itsover now =] After friday's Med. Chem and I can go and relax =] (or maybe I am too relax this semester...)




如果线断了, 是不是会像在走迷宫一样?


Anyway! I bumped to Westfield again!
And Awww, I found 2 really nice shops that sells Size 6 !!! and their Size 6 (some, not all) actually fits me!!! Luisa Luisa....sigh...I am glad I didnt; have much $$ with me again!...otherwise...>.<" Was tempted tho =P but toobad I dont have any events on lately...

YEAH!Photo time! Pick the best one for me people! What colour should I wear more often? I realised I am alwasy in pink, white, black....So i tried on green, silver and blue today!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


These are the things i would start doing at 11:30am TODAY ( 5 more minute =[ ):
1) Go through Pharm Chem
2) Study Pharm Chem
3) CRAM Pharm Chem

I wish these two chemstry exams can be over soon coz apparently they are stressed me out completely. It seems that I don't know anything at all.

As for my incomplete crossword puzzle that had been sitting there and seems to be taking me a while to finish, I think I can complete the missing part one day.
But for now, I have decided to leave it aside for a while until at least Pharm Chem and Med Chem exams are over first; then I will get back to it and start filling the missing words again.

I will just do my bes and see what all these would lead me to....coz at least I know I've done my best and I won't regret it..At least I will try to study and cram as hard as i can today ....and hopefully I will pass my exams!

Aww...exams are depressing!

Monday, October 27, 2008


詞:周杰倫 曲:周杰倫
編曲:micel Lin

為什麼人要這麼的脆弱 墮落
珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有

還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑
微微笑 小時候的夢我知道
不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

不要這麼容易就想放棄 就像我說的
追不到的夢想 換個夢不就得了
為自己的人生鮮艷上色 先把愛塗上喜歡的顏色
笑一個吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的紙飛機 現在終於飛回我手裡

所謂的那快樂 赤腳在田裡追蜻蜓追到累了
偷摘水果被蜜蜂給叮到怕了 誰在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午後吉他在蟲鳴中更清脆
哦 哦 陽光灑在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算沒有擁有

還記得你說家是唯一的城堡 隨著稻香河流繼續奔跑
微微笑 小時候的夢我知道
不要哭讓螢火蟲帶著你逃跑 鄉間的歌謠永遠的依靠
回家吧 回到最初的美好

One down, Three to go.

Finally got Pharmcy Practise exam done today!
Not really relieved, more like..."omg, pharm chem and med chem ae next, so screwed!" *more panic*

I haven't been waking up so early for so long! 6:30am o.0... I had been sleeping in late and waking up late; now 6:30 am .....argh. But its ok, since I didn;t have a nice sleep last night anyway; I had been waking up every hour to check the clock. Sleeples night it seems

Arrived to city at 7ish and finally got some Mcdonald for breaky. I had been having quite aneasy morning I would say, no really pancking.I even bumped around in Federation Square and checked out what th breast cancer day is all about. Yeah, I also felt good coz i did some charity today =] I got a pink ribbon and to be honest I am more than happen to donate even tho I dont; get anything in return; lets see if it had brought me luck =]

I met up with my fds in flinder like last semester. It was fun to chit chat around. I wasn;t really panicking until I got on the train seriously....then Andi n Shirly went crazy.."dont; look at u notes now uisa, the more u read, the more u forget...THE MORE YOU STUDY, THE MORE YOU FORGET...muhhaha"...and with their super junior dance, it drove me nuts. But thx, girls, u all made me laff so much.

Decided not to go home straight after exam, not to take the train to boxhill then bus back to doncasater, not to take the tram down swanston ...just want to bump around alone and get things sorted ur in my head; sorta just want to get lost in some street and find something new. Too bad i don't have much cash, and with only $7.65 in my d. card. This is just not a nice day to shop. Kicking Pharm Prac and leaving an empty brain ( trying to empty it) for stupid Pharm Chem. I swear,the 2 chemistry subjects are driving me crazy! I am so gona relax after the 2 chem exams....WHO CARES ABOUT PHYSIOLOGY?!

I look into the mysterious future with hope and, I found nothing but realising that...


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today wasa busy Sunday to some extend in my pharmacy. So many prescriptions T^T

I am still not good at working under stress, coz aparently I stuffed up a few scripts today. Didn't prepare the Generic Amoxil syrup but instead the normal band; didn't print out labels properly...grrr...SORRY LARRY~! (even tho he won;t be reading this)...Seems that i;ve lost my brain. So tired. Good thing is that m pharmacist helped me out with my Medcine In Profile study for tomorrow's exam. His unique way of teaching me really helps me a lot. " Yeh, so tell me about aspirin, what is it? ...yeh..NSAIDs, then what are the side effects of NSAIDs? you tell me, i won;t just tell you the answer...ok, doxycline, tell me what u can't lie down after taking it? " THX LARRY! (again, he wont; be reading it but ijust want to shout it out)

Got home at 2:30pm after doin some lollie shopping for exams. Igot some sugar free lollies and also the yummy Glucojel-jellybean proudly manufactured by The Pharmacy Guild of Autralia. Now in tomorrow's exam if they ask me what The Guild does, i will put down "It manufactures Glucose Power JELLY BEANs!"

I hit y pillow right after I had some food, soooo worn out. And then when I woke up, its was like 5pm already....My heart is racing and this is not a nice feeling. 很慌乱的感觉...怎么办才好?心很不舒服Y。

Good Luck Vcp-ists, I will see yo guys tomorrow in exams =]

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Don't Worry Be Happy

Exams? What exams?

I had been studying Pharmacy Practise for the whole day, yet I don't know what had went into my brain. There are so much to stuff in: Psychology, Ethics, Organisations, Medicine In Profile, Probabilities, Statistic, Pharmacoepidemiology and research method, dispensing skills, patients care problm solving,rural pharmacy,compliance issue...Can you believe there are so much in just ONE subject?!

Its amazed how a person's brain can stuff in SO many stuff.

I am not panicking now yet...still in me "lalala don't worry" mood.
This semster had been so weird for me, I dont; know what I;ve learnt and now they said its exam time! Feeling so unprepared.

Jia You everyone! We can make it through, alive. We are getting there and it will be over soon!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Monday 27/10 : Pharmacy Practise gay...
Wednesday 29/10: Pharmaceutical Chemistry a bi*ch...
Friday 31/10: Medicinal Chemistry screwed...
Monday 10/11 : UNTOUCHED...

I duno how I am gona survive this semester...T^T how am i gona survive exams le?
so hard...especially those chemistry...i need to get its just a dream =[

One exam is goingo costme AUD 750 again!
Or maybe would say the total AUD 3000 is like action potential...It a "all or none event"
Sorry mammy and daddy =[

As usual, I get sick before exams; kinda annoying but I am used to it...
What annoyed me most is that Panadol is just dodgy =/
So sick of food all of a sudden, dont want to eat...infront of me now is this bowl of green leaves, tomato n kiwi...yet i can't finish it...Food makes me wanna vomit....omg -.-"""

Working from 5pm - 9pm today...maybe I should get neuofen instead...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Andi's birthday

Yesterday was my dear dear DEAREST friend ANDI's 20th birthday!!!yeah!
So lets start from the PREPARATION:
On the day before...which is monday,,, I baked a CAKE! okok! i cheated (shut up shirly!)...I used cake mix! BUT STILL!! its my first time ever bakin a cke WITHOUT the help of aunt =] As a pharmacy student, I know how to measure accurately LOL, and i swear the "preparing creams and mixure" lab class helped me a lot in bakin the cake this time...It turned out to be pretty ok actually. And most important I apply my dispensing label skill again HOHOHO

ON THE DAY (21st Oct):

We went to Oriental Spoon in La Trobe Street...A korean resturant sicne we know Andi wanted to eat korean food=] Its my 2nd time eain korean fod so far and I would say I like that resturant....We had a lot of fun WAITING for each other to decide what to eat -.-""""" but at the end we ordered 3 dishes and shared.

Then SURPRISE time!!! my <3>

After that we went to Kbox...and sang out heart out...hmm, lets do it some other time girls! It was just so much fun!!!
Btw, Mel looked SO differnt with dress n heels =P ( OKOK mel, i didnt post THAT photo up=P )
P.S.: Andi, you're a great friend! and i will always remember 14th Feb 2008, the day when we three meet each other =] (awww, how sweet...) Thank for beign there for me all teh time, standing by me ans support me. Now we hope you will have a great new journey ahead. We will be here by your side too =] Love ya heaps!

Monday, October 20, 2008

One Step At A Time-Jordin Sparks

Hurry up and wait
So close, but so far away
Everything that you've always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste
But you just can't touch

You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face and the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting
We live and we learn to take

One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

You believe and you doubt
You're confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you always wished for
Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
If they only knew

When you can't wait any longer
But there's no end in sight
When you need to find the strength
It's the faith that makes you stronger
The only way we get there
Is one step at a time

Take one step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen that we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time

P.S. : This is one of the best songs EVER I've listened to ( Yeh I know I liek all kinda music! ). Great beats and rhythm; meaningful lyric and very uplifing! Two thumbs up! Hope you guys will enjoy it!

Shall we play this song in M@P next year =P?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

A visit to my neighbour.

ok, this is the second post of today, but I really want to share this post to all my vcp druggies.

Just now I paid a visit to my neighbour, who is turning 96 years old in January 22nd (2009). His wife told me that he had an heart attack for the first time in his life a few weeks ago when he was away on a trip to his daughter's 70th bithday in Townsville. Now he is back in Melbourne after beign in hostipal for 3 weeks there.

So i decided to take some time and visit him today.

He seems pretty healthy, which is a good sign. And i am glad he is better now. He told me it had been an awful night for him when that happened. He was sent to Townsvlle hostpal and then was transfered to a cardiovascular specialist. He didn't have an operation but a lot of injections, which was terrible, he said. "and i had these insulin injections....for...i think my blood sugar level"

Then he showed me this calender pack for his medication. It comes in one week dose. Monday to Sunday; and is divied into " Morning. Lunch. Dinner. Bedtime" He said this is a brilliant idea coz all he had to do after is meal/before bed time is to get a glass of water, open that particular foil on the package according to the day and time, and take the meicines! { Guys! our adherence lecture :P }

"Well, you see, I am on 14.5 (FOURTEEN and A HALF) tablets each day. I have no idea what I had to take so many, it gets pretty confusing sometimes. I used to take Beta blockers too but now they discharged me with these other 10 medications. *sigh* its just too many tablets!..."

I turned to the back of the pack and realised he's on loop diuretic-frusemide, digoxin, aspirin, simvastatin and some other generic forms of blood pressure and cardiovascular medications. I felt sorry for him. Sometimes its very hard for an eldery having to take so many medications each day, not knowing what they are exactly.

I guess we all have to understand what they're going thro, and let them unerstand that "No matter how many medicines you're taking, even tho you're on a lot of medications, as long as they help you in you life, they make you feel better. Thats teh most important thing" (This is something I heard my pharamcist said one day when I was working)

Counsell them, provide them with the information they missed out on the medications. Be there for them, sometimes all an eldery wants is to have someone to talk to. Let them know that there are people here who cares for them.

They might be cases or things we heard in our pharmacy practise lecture; but when it comes to a real patients with real situations, it feels slightly different ( Thats what I feel anyway ).

Still 3 years to go IF i dont fail my exams this sem.

The linger I am in ths couse, the more I feel that I Am studying not because I want to please my relatives or parents; not because of the stable/flexible and highly respected career or the money that I will earn. (Maybe it will become more important when I hv my own family, but not for now). I study because I love it; I love to communicate with people and I want to do the best for them. It is not just my job and responsibility, but something I truly love to do.

A moment of deep thoughts.

Ohh, sorry guys AND GIRLS ( for those girls that are so pick and not allowing me to use 'guys'...), I haven't update my blog for two days or so...Not that I am that very busy, but I am just a bit lazy...besides, I had been workin quite a lot again. 7 hours yesterday, mann ! Glad it wasn;t as bad as last week!

My cousin from HK is back to Melbourne for a week! He is always the cousin I am closest to since I was young. He has great personalities. He used to teach me piano, till I cried...(not that he made me cry, but i was practising on my own till I was so tired that I cried -.- ); but he never plays now, guess coz he only had a few lessons. He used to sketch me, till I was so tired..."Don' move, its nearly done"....I really don't konw how much that picture looks like me=P But I guess since we are both growing up now, it's slightly different already. Afterall, I am still glad he comes back.

What makes him admirable is that he's engaged! to his very nice and caring fiancee now! They had been in a long run relationship for...8 years? ( i am takin a guess but I am sure it was since ages ago) Was really happy when i heard that news! Happy for them, finlly found their soulmate that they are going to spend the rest of their lives with. Another new journey ahead! Can't wait to attend their wedding!

Follow your feeling, believe in your heart and yourself! and I am sure one day we will all find that "special one". Someone who cares and loves you for who you are, and is willing to respct every aspect of your life; understands your need and provides you the feeling of security. Do not set yourself a "goal" ---a dream gf/bf, because you will restrict yourself eventually and miss out alot in your lives.
Learn from the past but never linger there; treasure the present, it is a gift ; look into the future with faith and hope, it is better that you think.
Learn to look at the same thing with different angle and you will find nothing is a total disaster. Step out of the little world of your own,and you will found there are so much around you that are beautiful, and yet you never seem to realise.
Don't take things for granted, because you will never know when they're all gone. And then you will realise how much it meant too u, when its already too late.
Never give up yourself; Nothing is really over yet unless you stop giving yourself a chance and stop trying.
Take a risk; life is too short do things that you KNOW you will regret for. But at least you've did your best when you are willing to give yourse a chance, and you have nothing to lose; and that you should be proud of yourself.
Follow your dream and work hard for what you want to achieve;Hard work will definitely be rewarded; the rest is to believe in yourself.
Have faith in your heart and people aroudn you; have hope for the futue that things will be better; and a peaceful soul to allow you to have a clear mind and find out what you really want in life.

No matter how much I want to stay like a kid, now I have to step out to the society as an adult.
I've learnt, and I grew from the past.
And now I believe tomorrow will be a better day.

So, no matter you are my dearest friends or jus visitors to this blog that we never met; believe in yourself. You are worth more than you think and we all have the ability to achieve what we want to achieve.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A sunnie day

I can;t believe I am still so energetic after sleeping at 2am everynight! Insomnia seems to be improving a lot ever since I started to sleep late.

Today was really a nice I am still procrastinating, I decided to go to the new shopping center near my house--> "Westfield"....I think this was my first time being there after all stores (nearly all) opened again...Its pretty! Last time I went there was with my high school girlfds, an the only thing I remember was the food court.

Sadly I have to admit it IS smaller than Chadstone, i was execting too much from it I think. Regardless of its size, I still got lost like usual. So basically it was my shopping day! I even got some groceries ( salad veggie...yeh..i want to be healthy!..and of course some SHAPES la <3>
Come and visit me ppl! I will take u there and we can do shopping LOL...but before that, let me work more first la...$_$

Took me only an hour or so to bump around and I went home....NO, if you want to ask if I 'd studied after i didnt!...I was playing with my ipod for so long...even tho there's NOTHING to play in it....maybe thats another excuse for me not to open any books >.<
Oh no Iam so dead for exam this time seriously, never been so slack....

And now I m too tired to study... time!

P.S.: To those dearest friends who had been staning by and being there for me, those who truly care for me; you know who you are, thanks a lot =] I am very glad I got to know all of you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008



-<<夜箏>> 唐‧白居易

Can't sleep.

Finally woke up at 6am...I am surprised I only slept for 4 hours yet I am still alive.


Time to study hard.
Or at least keep myself busy.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

可惜不是你 - 梁静茹

这一刻 突然觉得好熟悉
像昨天 今天同时在放映
我这句语气 原来好像你
差一点 骗了自己骗了你

努力为你改变 却变不了 预留的伏线
以为在你身边 那也算永远
仿佛还是昨天 可是昨天 已非常遥远
但闭上我双眼 我还看得见

可惜不是你 陪我到最后
感谢那是你 牵过我的手

那一段 我们曾心贴着心
可能你 已走进别人风景
多希望 也有 星光的投影

努力为你改变 却变不了 预留的伏笔
以为在你身边 那也算永远
仿佛还是昨天 可是昨天 已非常遥远
但闭上我双眼 我还看得见

可惜不是你 陪我到最后
感谢那是你 牵过我的手

感谢那是你 牵过我的手

Monday, October 13, 2008


Firstly I am wrong in what I thought might be right...
Secondly I don't know what is wrong or right...
All tangled...


A day for sleeping in,,,

Haven't been sleeping well lately, I suppose yesterday night/this morning was an execption...I slept at 2ish and woke up at 12 noon! I could finally sleep once I fell down my bed! I've tried aromatherapy, like for 2 days; but i doubt it really worked on me...It was pretty though, especially the tender candle light... and I begin to like the smell of Lavender ( still not as much as Rose and Jasmine).

Its said that "the oil molecules stimulate scent receptors in the brain that, in turn, trigger a response in the part of the brain that influences heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress levels, and hormone balance. "..ok..but i thought it was the scent that stimulate the hair cells/olfactory cilia which contains receptors in the nose and hence lead to these action potentials firing and messages are sent to the brain...and then...hmm....i duno...seems liek I really gota study harder. Haven't even opened my books yet. ANYWAY, i guess its a "placebo" to some extend.

Tomorrow is my Pharmacy Practise Laboraaatory EXAM!!! o.0....NO!!! I haven;t study yet...i still have tonight to browse through, but i think it should be ok =]

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The power of media and television...

On 10th October, 2008.Today Tonight broadcasted this clip on this 'amazing' heath care product called "Painaway".What's that? Well~ it is simply a cream or spray that contain 5 mian herbal ingredients for treating Arthritis, the inflammation of joints. Arthritis is a characterised by pain and swelling in the joints and believe it or not, it actually affect 1 in 5 Australian.

The used of 5 herbal ingredients are as followed...for those who are interested:
"Aarnica is for bruising and swelling, rosemary and eucalyptus is for circulation, the emu oil is a carrier that carries the actives deep down onto a bone or vertebrae to attack the inflammation and remove the inflammation in combination - it's unique in that way."

So after this clip was being broadcasted...a funny thing started to appear in my pharmacy this afternoon! A customer came in and asked "Can i have Painaway?" usual...i went and check with other staff...and apparently we are out of them coz the manufactorer was 'out of stock'...Then...10 min later another customer am in..and asked the same question, "Do u guys sell Painaway?"...ok this time I knew how to handle it...but then when the 5th customer came in...I started to giggle already... "sorry....i truly am, but you are teh 5th customer in 2 hours that came in and asked for the same thing! yeh i knew it was on Today Tonight..."....there were around 10 customers caming in just this afternoon to ask for that! How AmazING/ CreePy that is...Even thought other medication have ingredients such as Emu oil and aarnica....customers seem to refuse them.

Media has a very very big impact on everyone's life. It is a very strong and powerful tool apparently, especially in manipulating ideas and thoughts. I guess being a health care professional which we (my vcp matezz) later in lives would become, it is very important to understand the impact Media has on an individual psychologically. Give patients the knowledgeable and professional advices, guild them and point them to the right direction which can lead to the optimal outcome for their conditions and treatments. Pharmacists are not just someone wearing white coat, hiding behind the counter and sticking colourful labels on the boxes ( Even tho I DO like to do that ).

I enjoyed my work today, even tho it was a bit long coz another staff needed to go home early and I stayed for 3 hours more. Obviously it wasn't as busy as yesterday which was great. Sota getting the hang of the computer input and knowing where stuff are...
Working with this pharmacist on sunday is fun too...I guess i am not someone who talk a lot when i am working... I used to think he's not someone who smile often...but now I reckon he is kinda funny. He's always very patience and would never panick like I do...He told me today not to worry when there are nasty customers but just do my own stuff and don't panick,,,I would say all pharmacists have this similarities. This guy really taught me a lot even tho I am really stupid and learn every thing SOO slowly. Sometimes i feel really bad to bother him. Unlike some other pharmacists that would just give me the answer to my questions, he actually makes me think logically and tell him what my ideas are first..." what do u think? what do they do? Tell me what you know about it?" ...I learn more this way...And his cantonese is really ...cute XD..I hope i didn;t gave him a lot of trouble when I am working...coz it's his responsibilities afterall if I'd mess up sth >.<

So tired hot...Tomorrow i will have to go back for an hour for my training...but I am sure I qill enjoy the peaceful morning...haven't been studying for a few days already!Pro...crastinating again...
P.S: I am in the 3th row counted from the front and the 4th girl counted from the left in my kindergarten photo in my 1st blogs

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A bad day at work...

Normally I work every Friday nights and every alternative Satrudays then i guess today is not really "my day" since I was just filling in the 10am-5pm shift for someone.

One staff called up in the morning and said he couldn't make it to work coz he had a sore leg, that seemed to be the first news other staffs told me when I arrive at 10am, we opened at 9am as usual...I've always knew that Saturday is a busy day; but I thought it would still be ok...

Morning seems fine, everything was pretty smooth...Even thought I always miss out the 10 min break in the morning, I am more than happy to work coz I do enjoy it.

Ather 3pm there were only 2 pharmacists and 2 staffs left, that's including me. Then this other Pharmore store called up and the line was being passed onto me. I hate...really hate...picking up phone calls seriously, I would have an heart attack when the phone starts to ring andI would do basically everything to avoid least petend I am busy...that didnt; work this time, coz I was right next to the bloody phone! She asked if we had some N-something-wash-cloth...I had no idea wt she was talkin about so I went to ask the other staff..the only staff that is avaliable. She said we didn't have it in store, so I picked up teh phone again "Sorry we don't have it in store"..."Oh You SURE? coz thecomputer said you have 3 in store"....So i turned and ask the other staff again...she told me to ask whats that i did...n i got this weird answer that i didnt; really i didnt; what to do...that other staff was busy too so she ignored me while i was standing here holding the bloody phone...All i did was pick up the phone "Sorry, can u please repeat what are those for?"...."Look, its ok, i would just ring up on weekday and talk to SOMEONE WHO ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT I AM TALKIN ABOUT!" and she slam her phone. There were so many customers/patients waiting for scripts in/out at the other end so i just had to run back to prescription area...Let's hope I don't get into trouble...aiks.

I was tired and I am still tired. And there were just so many little things today tht went wrong on me. This patient got a OTC medication plus 3 other prescriptions, i was down the register at n he came up to pay. I put everything thro in the register....then he went n open his bags of medication.."Look i didn;t ask for the Efexor-XR..i only asked for two scripts..i dont want this!"....ok...apparently I can;t do any i asked another and only staff to do it and i had to check with the pharmacist. Then somehow the blame was on me...coz "She's already put it thro"... Look, I didn't take that script in, I wasn;t workin up the dispensary today and I didn't prepare that; most importantly, he was the one who check it ONLY AFTER the transaction was done...and now for some reason the blame was on me...

so....I apologised, customers come first mah, yah i no...fine. After working for a while in retail, you know how to smile and do wht the customers ask for. Then after they're gone, feel free to say fuck off. That seems to be an interesting thing that happens everywhere I work.

I am really feeling stupid. I dont; know anything in the pharmacy. All I know is to listen to the patient/customer and then say,"yup yup...hold on, i will check it in the computer"...I would hv no clue when they come in and name me this bloody long name of the drug or the brand. I swear freaken Medicinal Chemistry is nto helpin me A BIT in my work, at least i dont think it is...and as for Pharmaceutical Chemistry...all it helped was when soemone came up and ask me what is the difference b/w the Cream n Ointment of the same medication. I am feelin so...useless. I can't believe I am a pharmacy student.

Mum and dad used to tell me I have to learn to lower my head sometime when I come out to work and to the society. Not a little princess anymore. "Just do what others tell you to".Sometimes even you don't like someone, hide it inside you but smile and be nice to them. Sometimes it is better off if you just apologise and get on with it. I always nod my head and say "yah la, mum, dad...don't worry la...i know how to do la"...but then when you have to do it in some situations, you will realised it is not that easy.

Stay in a country that doesn't really belongs to you; being far away from home...sometimes all you want to do is not to let mum n dad worry. Being strong, or at least pretend to be; tellin them i am coping with my life well even I am struggling; try not to let them know I am sick or worn out when I really am...maybe they know my well, and it seems they can always tell when i am ill or tired...but now I do understand what they mean by the real world. Not everything will go in the direction u want it to be. Sometimes you will just have to give in for the sake of everyone and urself.

It seems there are yet a lot of things I have to learn...not just in Pharmacy course, but in life...

Let's hope tomorrow's work up the dispensary will be better...I wish:
1) Everyone just bring in their repeats from my pharmacy so i can just scan easily.
2) No doctors' handwritten-scripts for me to read
3) neck pain and headache would be gone...
4) patience patients
....ok i am too greedy... too many wishes...

okie, the one and only thing that made me laugh is a photo I found in a magazine when i was in my break today:

Awww-.-" i duno if i should say its creative or gross..but its none of my business i suppose...I will never need to come across that...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Those nice memories...

Music had alasy been a part of me... and looking at my poor GuZheng which is lying behind me, I sorta felt sorry for him...coz I havent; touched it since...I dunno when -.-"

I fell in love with this traditional instrument when I was young; and after using my crying-n-begging-tactic, I finally started my first lesson after Primary 6 in mainland china during my holidays. It was harder than I thought and I would admit I actually wanted to give up after not reaching my teacher's requirment for one rhythm was wrong, i couldn;t remember the music, and most importantly i had blisters all over my fingers. I didnt; have my lessons constantly coz I had to head back to Macau for school. In Form 1 my teacher asked me to go back and sit for an i was like "wth....I've only learnt for a few months all in total...and grade 3 exams now? how about grade one? i should start from there!" ...I am not someone who liek to play to pass exams...I hate to practise that few music just to play for exam.But I sat for it and i passed...and thats the end of muic exam in my life...I am not going to do it again.

After I came ot Australia, I picked up GuZheng again from another teacher...not starting from zero but its hard for me since all teachers have their own feel to music and own ways of playing certain music. I joined her ensemble even tho I stopped the lessons with her eventally. Ihad a lot of fun in the ensemble, its great to have a bunch of friend who share the same interest and passion...We are from different background, different age, but we bonded well...

2005 Crown Casino-Chinese New Year
*1st time being MC...totally freaked out...coz I lost my bloody cheat sheet..

2006 Crown Casino- Chinese New Year
-We had 3 performances at Riverside/Crown.
2007 Crown Casino- Chinese New Year

As for my high school, I am really glad I found someone who are interested in the combination of Chinese/western music... We had so much fun together rehearsing, making our own part and contribute to the piece of art. They are all talented musician and singers, and most importantly, they are those dearest friends who always stand by me.

2005 Multicultural Dinner
- 2 Guzhengs, 1 Erhu - we played 3 pieces of chinese music

2006 Mulcultural Dinner
- Combination of Cello, Piano and Guzheng + singer
-Jay Chow "发如雪"

-2 Guzhengs - "Jasmine"- Chinese folk music
-It was one of the memorable performance coz i was wearing the chinese top that I made for myself lol...

2007 Multicultural Dinner
- We play a piece that was being composed by our very talented friend, who was also the pianist of the performnce. We had drums, cello, piano and Guzheng. Oh!! C'on , guys ...we should make our own band again!!!
P.S: Being the MC od the night as well as the performaner gave me absolutely pain...coz there wasn't enough time to get change and most importantly... it was my first time wearing high heels and carried my Guzheng around....walkin up stairs...but it was the last performance in high school...was very memorable =]
Even thought we don't play music together anymore now; the memories are always there and they can always make me smile... and I will always cherish them...I miss you all!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Last Day of UNI !!!..for me=P

I can't believe it is the last day of sem 2 for me already...End of year 1 pharmacy course, with exams ahead in 3 weeks' time. Today i finish at 3ish and so I decided to go MC and bumped around. Vallygirl is always my regular 'point of interest'...I've picked a top and a dress randomly and here're some snapshots =]

But since my pharmacy paid me AUD200 less this week (and last week...We got paid fortnightly)...I decided to save some $$ and not do any shopping today...and since I have too many dress and tops...I really should leave my wardrobe a breathing spot.

It had been a cheerful day today...and I realised the cherry blossom outside my house finally got little fruits! Look!

I still remember how beautiful the flowers look, but sadly their lives are always so short; only last for a few days... The fruit...from my memory last year, was sour. I always had to fight with the birds to get a perfect little cherry =S Even thought the fruit of cherry blossom might not taste as nice as other fruits that are being sold from the supermarket; it is natural, a gift from nature. Its the beauty of nature...the smell of lives and the taste of growth. I just love it. I never really notice the skinny-weird-looking-tree outside my house that I walk pass everyday would be so beautiful.

There are a lot of things or people that you might come across from time to time; they might be something or someone you see everyday,,,so often that they might seem so insignificant and ordinary; but if you do pay attention to these little things around you, and appreciate their existance,you would realise there are more to your lives and the things around you. Everything is unique; and everyone, everything here are doing their very best to make a difference in yours, and their own lives...

Can't wait for the cherries this year!

Oh by the way, I visited my friend's blog just now and foudn one of my favourite song.."I'm already there"...I used to listen to the Westlife version, but this video really touched me...I would like to share with all of you here. And of course, thx for squeeishhie's blog! Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tired day...

Haven't been sleeping well lately...why? I don't know. But it seems that this is slowly burning me out. Today is wednesday already! Middle of the week. 2 more days of uni to go and i will be done for this for me, it;s just one mroe day coz i decide not to attend the friday's lectures.

We had our last physiology prac today..which is a dissecting prac. Some people seem to find it interesting and fun; but to me...its my first animal prac EVER in my life... I am sorta against, the whoel process of animal testing. Yes, human being is 'supreme' in this world compare to other living creatures, but does that mean we can violate the basic rights of other species? The concept of "they are breed to do this" just sounds pathetic and cruel. But, yes .."You eat meat anyway" and from another point of view, that this is necessary (?!)... lets say if we need to do a testing of a new drug on its toxicity in living species, would we want to use a living human to do it for us? At the end of the day we want the best solution for our's just a bit selfish. I don't which side I am really on because it IS a very controversial topic. I guess i am more on the against side?
So there we were, walkin into the lab n we saw sleeping mice lying on the bench. We picked a white one further down after hestiating for a while. Later we foudn that the whiteones are males and grey ones are females. Me and my other 2 close friends were in a of them had 2 mice at home atm. Before the prac she was fully excited: "Don;t Worry! I will cut it =D!!" ...but once she saw those poor little creature on the bench...she said "oh no..I am not cutting it!" [ Yeh, girls like to change their mind quickly! ] I had a moment I thought I wanted to cry, it's just...sad. So in the end we gave this job to our 'experienced' teammate. So there she was, pickin up the skin with the foreceps and cutting open the tummy..all the way up to the chest...then open at the legs...then GROSS! all its guts n stuff were clearly seem...intestine,,liver,,urinogential system,,blood vessels....and we had to pick and dragand pull around its guts to find the organs we were meant to examine. After the prac were over, all these poor opened mice were thrown together in a small plastic basket, and thats the end of their lives....thats what they're "lived for".

I truly feel sorry for him, and thankful at the same time.

Switching to a better topic...did anyone of you find me in the last kindergarten photo by the way=P here's a closer look:

Got any clues?

C'on, have a guess and leave a comment here! I will tell u guys the answer's see...Sunday=]

Monday, October 6, 2008

Back to uni....finally -.-

MONDAY AGAIN.... after sleeping in until 11:30am each day in my holiday last week...It is absolutely a pain in the bottom# (maintaining so-called "professionalism" here) having to wake up that early for my 10am lecture!!

20 minutes getting ready including brushing my teeth, wash my face, stuffed in my one and only contact lens (for those who is shocked..yeh, i only need one contact lens coz my other eye is perfectly ok...almost perfect=P) ...getting dressed, preparing lunch/breaky as usual, and girly things before a normal girl would walk out of her room....there i was....walking in the bloody rain to the bloody bus the bloody cold more professionalism here. I mean..isn't something called "global warming" going on now? or basically it just stuffed up all weathers. Sometimes I do wish there is a direct-express-bus from my front door to 381 Royal Pde. It took me less than 10 min to walk to my high school n now it is taking me nearly 1.5 hours to get to uni...

Today's lecture was...."as usual"

Summary of what I've learnt and remembered in today's 4 lectures are as followed:

10am-11am ( Medicinal Chemistry ) : " The lecturer brought 2 yellow ballon, one got "+" written on it and the other got a "-" on it! and he got this girly purple glove which he on for some reasons...oh and he had that annoying penicillin module which seems unbreakable..."
11am-12noon (Pharmaceutical Chemistry ): "cake...filtrate cake...cake in the filter...c..ak..e -.-""
1pm-2m (Pharmacy Practise): "Risk ratio = sth/sth...Absolute ratio = sth/sth...NNT =1/sth...what is p value again?...oh and pressing the "GO" on the keypad will give nice sparkling light..."
2pm-3pm ( Medicinal Chemistry ): "a new drug...for HIV...lecturer's fd...she works at CSL!"


Another long day with 2 pracs tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Post EVER

YEAH~! after prooo...crastinating on my studies for AGES...i finally did something productive! Yeah, a new blog...HOW DOES THAT SOUND?! so basically I migrated from my MSN space to this Blogspot...ok from now on I am gona stick to it only!!!

Look, I ama very lazy person; especially when it comes to updating my blog....let me last diary entry was EXACTLY one month ago....but I will try to make this blog interesting =]

Today is the last dy of my one-week-so-called-'holiday'. One more week back uni and i will have exams to worry about. To be honest I am not ready AT ALL! but its ok, lets worry about it when its closer =P

Interesting enough, I found a facebook group called '聖羅撒中文部 95年幼稚園同學'...1995..the year i graduated from kindergardenie! uhu~! and I seem to find a lot of those familiar names =] It's a funny feeling finding back your kindie/primary school mates; wonder where thay all are and what they are doing now....You reckon you can find me in the photo? =P I challenge you!

Oh no! Its monday again tomorrow =[... good thing is that I get to see my uni buddies...bad thing is...yeh...I gotta wake up early....

Thanks for reading =] I will catch you up soon!